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Poem about darkness

I’m in this darkness, full of cruelty and hate. Everything is against me and it’s frustrating. I tell my heart „it’s almost over, don’t stop beating“, but I know this darkness can’t light up. I tell my soul, „don’t cry, don’t worry, it’s gonna be alright“, when I know the fragility of my soul and know it’s already lost. The darkness scares me and I can’t see anything, not even myself. I feel hopeless and I just want to see light. I’m in a cage and I’m lost. I look around for my daisies, but they’re not there. My heart is panicking and I want to run far away from this darkness. They took me back on the place and I can’t do anything. I don’t know where I am, I don’t know what to do and don’t know where to hold on. There’s nothing I can hold on; Only empty darkness. It’s driving me crazy and pressing my air away. I hope for magic helping me, but the hope is fading. I have to force myself to create something to get a part of my mind out of the darkness, but there’s nothing. Only a knife, waiting to get to my heart and darkening everything of me. They pushed me in this cage, they hate me and they toture me in this darkness. Does this darkness have a name?

Poem about hope

I gave up on everything, because I was broken, weak and alone. No one helping me out of the hole I put myself in. The pressure and pain no single human can handle alone buried my body. Everything and everyone expect the peferct. It’s not allowed to be vulnerable and different. There is so much pain from losses, love and words. I felt nothing, but pain and loneliness. Everything drove me crazy, I couldn’t think straight and I couldn’t  fake a laugh and a smile anymore. I thought I lost everything, everthing that’s holding my pieces together, but there’s hope. Hope to get my faith in myself  back and hope I can only get with help. Words that can fight the bad words, love and happiness that can lighten my soul. I need the faith and the confidence so I won’t lose myself. So they slowly put the pieces of me together, holding them until they are healed. I got my faith, my family and my confidence back. Hope gave me another chance of life. I’m having a laugh with my family and I accept the sad days. I’m proud of being vulnerable, I accept the tears and I do try to rub the bad words from my skin. Hope showed me the treasure. The treasure I have lost and I have sought for so long is directly in front of me.

Poem about loneliness

I hold on on so much and always wished it would stay. My scars are always pulled open, when you go with him. I thought we’d be together forever. I don’t ever want to hold on something, cause nothing will stay, nothing will ever make me happy without tearing me apart at the end. Give me the rifle, cause there’s no epiphany moment for me. They say some will stay forever, but I say they will all leave. Relationships and friendships are way too short and way too painful. I’d rather be alone than going through hell again. Everyone was used to see me alone, cause everyone left me with a new scar. The happiest moments with the ones I have loved are painful memories and in the loneliness I feel the bonds I have tied with them. Lord, what have I done to deserve this? They are all happy, smiling with the others and enjoying the perfection. I won’t ever be with them, cause I’m cursed. I’m cursed to loneliness, on my own island with big waves walling me apart. You would leave me and I wouldn’t stand up anymore. The ruthless way of seeing me dying alone in front of you with a smile on your lips. But I know the loneliness will kill me in the end.


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